Waiting for the Future Film Festival, STORIES OF FUTURE AT SENAPE urban nursery. Studioazue will involve participants on…

/integrate olive mill waste water treatment pilot system/palestine 2013-14
Pilot system in the framework of the project: “Making Olive Oil Competitive through the Introduction of Local Value…

/habitat resource center/hungary 2013
Preliminary survey and community participative planning of Bag Gypsy settlement to identify site specific assets and needs prepared…

/BiH bosnian intelligent housing/sarajevo 9-10.09.2013
studioazue participates to the conference “Improvement of energy efficiency in buildings: exchange of best practices” organized by Associazione…

/baalbek serail energy retrofit/ lebanon 2011-2014
The Serail is an historical public building dating back to the Mandate period. Main objective of the intervention,…

/baalbek biogas facility/ Lebanon 2011-2014
BBF is a pilot project commissioned by COSV NGO, part of the EU ENPI-Med program aiming at spreading…

/SANA International Fair/Bologna 07.09.2013
“Sustainability and Biodiversity: two sides of the same coin” symposia organized by CCPB. s.r.l. studioazue presents experiences on…

/pilot composting facility/ Palestine 2012
The facility, located in the area of Beit Lahia WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant), is a composting facility…

/pilot composting facility/ Vietnam 2013
Bac Giang pilot composting facility has been designed to produce organic fertilizer using agricultural waste and the…