/baalbek serail energy retrofit/ lebanon 2011-2014
The Serail is an historical public building dating back to the Mandate period. Main objective of the intervention, commissioned by COSV ngo, has been the achievement of large energy savings through an integrative design approach on passive and active systems.
The energy demand of the building has been reduced by insulating the building envelope and the roof terrace, by applying a cool-roof membrane and installing double glazed ventilated windows. After the intervention the transmittance value on the roof has been reduced to U=0.38 W/m2K which represents a performance exceeding by 50% the standard required for new constructions in Lebanon with a reduction of CO2 emission of 80%.
Additional clean energy has been provided by installing semi-transparent integrated photovoltaic modules on top-roof skylight (BIPV). The photovoltaic system injects into the grid 4.35 to 6.93 MWh total energy, which covers the 30% of total energy demand on the Serail.
An optimum level of thermal comfort to the users has been ensured and natural lighting and ventilation needs have been met.