/BiH bosnian intelligent housing/sarajevo 9-10.09.2013
studioazue participates to the conference “Improvement of energy efficiency in buildings: exchange of best practices” organized by Associazione Kallipolis in partnership with Gorizia Province, lead partner of Bosnian intelligent Housing project, co funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
The conference is the first event within a wider project implemented by Associazione Kallipolis and its partners (Sarajevo Canton;
Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency, SERDA;
City of Sarajevo; Faculty of Architecture, University of Sarajevo;
One World Platform for South East Europe, OWSEE; Consortium for the Development of the University of Gorizia, CONSUNIGO; Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Trieste, DICAR; Chamber of Commerce of Gorizia; Chamber of Commerce of Trieste; Regional Agency for Sustainable Building, ARES) aiming to improve the energy performances of buildings in Sarajevo Canton. The two days conference consisted on a participative discussion on technical and normative strategies to improve energy efficiency in buildings and on exchanging best practices between Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Sarajevo Canton with the final aim to draft a priority actions plan.