UNHCR has granted a fund to studioazue in partnership with Difaf to develop a feasibility study for a…

/climate KIC-european network of innovators/bologna 2014
studioazue is participating as host organisation to Pioneers into Practice Program 2014 coordinated by ASTER Emilia Romagna. The focus of the…

/integrate olive mill waste water treatment pilot system/palestine 2013-14
Pilot system in the framework of the project: “Making Olive Oil Competitive through the Introduction of Local Value…

/pilot composting facility/ Palestine 2012
The facility, located in the area of Beit Lahia WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant), is a composting facility…

/pilot composting facility/ Vietnam 2013
Bac Giang pilot composting facility has been designed to produce organic fertilizer using agricultural waste and the…

/marketing study for organic fertilizer/ Lebanon 2012
Investigating the possibility to enter the Organic Fertilizer market in Lebanon and MENA regions. The study aims…

/green-up/ worldwide 2011
Green up is an outdoor wooden modular system for greening rooftop terraces. The model has been design…
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