The Masterplan (MP) considers Beirut City and the nearby geographical area of the Matn Caza. The MP is…

Lakes of Albania sustainable and inclusive tourism
Action plan for environment protection and sustainable tourism, participatory process. In partnership with COSV and VIS italian NGOs,…

/shufat camp community based sewage and stormwater network, school rain water collection and universal design/palestine 2016-2017
Studioazue is working as a technical consultant in the project called: ““RES.P.I.R.E-RESilience and Protection In A Refugee Environment”…

/al nada neighbourhood community based reconstruction plan/gaza 2016
The Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation has commissioned to studioazue in partnership with DAAR ngo , the…

/PLEA architecture in (R)evolution/bologna 2015
studioazue participates to PLEA 2015 international conference. PLEA is an autonomous, non-profit, network of individuals sharing expertise in…

/cafè al nabeh, jezzine: integrated conservation and energy retrofit/ lebanon 2015
In the framework of the project “Yalla ya shabHUB: human development and social innovation to promote entrepreneurship of…

/climate-KIC european network of innovators/bologna 2015
studioazue is part of climate-KIC network 2015. The placement of this year will focus on researching adaptation strategies…

/temporary Solid Waste Treatment Facility for Syrian refugees/lebanon 2014-2015
The solid waste treatment facility conceived by studioazue for Oxfam with funds granted by DFATD Canada (Department of…

/climate KIC-european network of innovators/bologna 2014
studioazue is participating as host organisation to Pioneers into Practice Program 2014 coordinated by ASTER Emilia Romagna. The focus of the…