Our mission is to promote the transition to a low-carbon society in developed and developing countries, expanding upon creative, "out-of-the-box" ideas which value informality in order to improve the challenging realities of our clients.

/al nada neighbourhood community based reconstruction plan/gaza 2016
The Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation has commissioned to studioazue in partnership with DAAR ngo , the…

/bio-gas research & design to undertake a feasibility study & preliminary design for an innovative, scalable, cost effective, relevant and locally constructed refugee centered bio-gas digester/lebanon 2015-2016
UNHCR has granted a fund to studioazue in partnership with Difaf to develop a feasibility study for a…

/PLEA architecture in (R)evolution/bologna 2015
studioazue participates to PLEA 2015 international conference. PLEA is an autonomous, non-profit, network of individuals sharing expertise in…

/cafè al nabeh, jezzine: integrated conservation and energy retrofit/ lebanon 2015
In the framework of the project “Yalla ya shabHUB: human development and social innovation to promote entrepreneurship of…

/climate-KIC european network of innovators/bologna 2015
studioazue is part of climate-KIC network 2015. The placement of this year will focus on researching adaptation strategies…

/temporary Solid Waste Treatment Facility for Syrian refugees/lebanon 2014-2015
The solid waste treatment facility conceived by studioazue for Oxfam with funds granted by DFATD Canada (Department of…

/solid waste management in syrian ITSs of north beqa/lebanon 2014
Consultancy to implement emergency waste management in North Beqa area within the framework of the project: “Emergency Response for…

/climate KIC-european network of innovators/bologna 2014
studioazue is participating as host organisation to Pioneers into Practice Program 2014 coordinated by ASTER Emilia Romagna. The focus of the…

/duhok city center detailed masterplan/iraq 2013-14
Duhok City Center Detailed Masterplan prepared by Ars Progetti spa. studioazue collaborated to the Masterplan design, focusing on…