Sustainable Composting facility – Taviano
Pre-feasibility Study for a sustainable composting facility in Taviano (LE)
The pre- feasibility was performed with the support of the CAT 24 architect and Engineers. Design studied to fit the landscape and the historical background of the land suggested for the construction. The facility has been designed to treat 60 t/d of OFMSW plus other sources of organic residues from agriculture and food-processing industry. The preliminary design was done in 2020, the project in on hold for political and financial reasons

Taviano Composting facility design was developed with sustainable measures such as rain water harvesting system, sustainable material for construction and user inclusivity measures. The facility was designed to host a green roof, with visitors area, compost and organic fertiliser testing area and agriculture production. The visitor area was designed to have circular windows to allow visitors to watch the facility operations from the waste receiving are to the final organic treatment. The facility design take inspiration from the fact that the land was a former agricultural field so that the design is copying a clod of earth after plowing.

User inclusivity
Within the facility pre feasibility study a stakeholder analysis was performed to identify an adapted methodology to develop a participatory design process. The analysis showed that in the area already two other facilities were stopped due to population uprising. Talking with the main communities representatives and the CBOs (Legambiente, Italia Nostra etc…) was clear that having a participatory process would be the only way to develop the project.